Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Return

New Year's Resolution #1: Write/blog more often

What? Did you think I had died? I thought I forgot about you? You thought I didn't love you anymore? On the contrary, my friends. The past *cough* four months *cough* have been busy and weird. I packed up and left Logan. I dyed my hair black. I brought back the Annie dress for a triumphant Halloween reprise. I went to South Bend. Christmas happened and so did Thanksgiving. The Utes were great, then sucked, were good again, and then really sucked. The Niners were a disaster. The Jazz are fun and confusing. I brought the beard back. I graduated college. I am unemployed.

For some reason I never blogged about any of this.

I can't spend much time apologizing for that. I can't even count how many times I have began a blog post or journal entry with "I'm sorry it's been such a long time..." and I can't even promise that this is the last hiatus for Paper Badge. But, I'm posting today and that is all that matters right now.


Cathy Bubert said...

So glad you are back!!!!!!!!
Congratulations on your graduation!

Chess said...

Graduated and unemployed. You and me both, buddy. You and me both.

Sorensen said...

I was thinking the other day that you hadn't posted in a long time.