Friday, January 28, 2011

Tweet Incredible

So with my recent graduation, it became time for me to take the necessary steps in becoming an independent.

First on that list was getting kicked off the family plan.

I'd been rocking this phone for the past three years:

This phone and I had some great times together. Lots of text c
onversation. Lots of crappy quality pics. I'll miss it. But if I'm going to pay for my own plan, this phone was not coming with me. So I upgraded.

To this:

It's a whole new ballgame, kids. Once you go smartphone, you'll never go dumbphone again. Internet, apps, sports, angry birds, and Twitter. Glorious Twitter. I never knew how badly I needed to know random facts about the daily lives of celebrities. But, oh did I ever need it. I laugh. I cringe. But I love love love Twitter. I'm still a novice tweeter, but once I get the hang of hashtags and the like there may be no stopping me. (There may be no (one) following either, but that's fine.)

So I think the main point of this post was to brag. So, yeah, thanks for listening.


Chess said...

I guess there's only thing to ask: Does Rihanna tweet?

krista said...

Wow! Do you love it?

We need to play friend!

Cody said...

Oh yes, RiRi does tweet tweet.