Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not My Thing




Let me explain myself. I had to put that diagram up there to see what kind of rise I could get out of the four people who read my blog. (thanks guys) It is completely factual but comes with a slight disclaimer. I am not a fan of firework SHOWS. Not my kind of thing. To me, they are boring, repetitive, and boring. I feel like after a minute and a half I have already seen the same thing eight times. Being put through this for an hour leads me to distracting myself by watching ants or coming up with any story I can to annoy the person next to me. I haven't always been like this, it just happened. That being said, there are a few exceptions. (Yes, I can be impressed.) (a) I am befuddled at how in the world a firework even does it's own job and what sorcery is behind all of that. (b) doing fireworks in your own driveway, parking lot, etc. is an entirely different beast. Knowing that your freinds or family may spontaneously combust at any second makes more an interesting evening. (c) Evanston fireworks receive a pass. My family and I watched a show there where every citizen contributed by launching fireworks from their own homes. That, I must say, was awesome and finally (d) music factor. Most times I see firework shows I am well out of range of the musical accompaniment. This may/may not effect how I feel about a firework show.
Now, I understand that I am the only person in America and maybe the world that feels this way. But, like I said, they just aren't my thing. That's why I get to have a blog. So I can say crazy stuff like this.


Chess said...

You don't like fireworks?!?! :(

BjaminWood said...

Yeah, that's messed up man.

krista said...

hmmm...i don't think i've met someone who doesn't like fireworks....

Cristyannie said...

What? I've known you my whole life and never knew... even at the Ranch? Remember when you used to watch them with 3D glasses? Maybe you just slept... Oh man Cody. I had no idea...

Sorensen said...

Actually, I started watching the traditional weber high fireworks the other night from the street corner and decided that it would probably be much more interesting if I went to the bathroom. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to handle the disney fireworks when I'm in California. I hope they play Mary Poppin's music with it. That would take the cake and you know it.