Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ernest Scared Stupid

I am not a man of many holiday traditions but there are two such traditions that I hold on to above all else. They are watching Christmas Vacation in December and Ernest Scared Stupid in October. Everything else is just details. (jk family mems I like all your parties, too.) Last night, my roommates and I watched Ernest to officially get us in the Halloween mood. The movie is (for lack of a better word) stupid, but I love it. Here is a clip where Ernest faces off with Trantor the evil troll who turns the children of Briarville into wooden dolls:

(great line for fans of the show:)
Nuh uh, ain't no trees in Botswana, nuh uh, I know, I AM a Botswanian lumberjack, and I ain't never had a job...


Sorensen said...

This is ironic because I just borrowed this movie so that I could watch it this weekend. My wife is afraid of the troll and has been her whole entire life.