Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Dear Soup,

I owe you an apology.

I am sorry for getting so upset the day I opened my cupboards and realized you were the only food I owned besides cereal and string cheese.

I am sorry for allowing you to sit unused in said cupboard for months while I munched on corn dogs, tuna melts, and Totino's pizza.

Soup, you're better than a tuna melt.

The day I opened you up and let you into my stomach, a whole new world opened up before my eyes.

It was as if we had never before met.

You, me, and Ritz crackers. That is all I need. Your savory flavor satisfies my soul's desires. Each delicious bite brings me closer to my own personal nirvana. When I am with you, every trouble and care evaporates into your bountiful broth.

I'm sorry, soup. I think I'm kinda into you. I will never take you for granted again.

Forever Yours,



Chess said...

Oh that's beautiful and touching! If you're ever in trouble with a woman, all you need to do is switch out some of the words, and you've got a great love letter! Haha! :)

Cristyannie said...

I loved this! I think I'll go have some soup right now.